This book was published as part of the Farmers Branch 50th
anniversary celebration in 1996. It is full of photographs and
information on the history of the city and its citizens. It has been
sold out for some time and is only available in the secondary market.
Corrections to this edition
Page 24 & 25: "Ina Millway" should correctly read "Ina
Page 28: column 2: The sentence that reads "She reports
that in the fall the bank stayed open late." should read "He reports that in
the fall the bank stayed open late."
Page 29: "Will Meyers" should correctly read "Will
Page 35: lower photo: "riding combine" should read
"Riding grain binder"
Page 38: top of page, This was the home
of John H. & Emma Stanley which was located on Keenan Bridge Rd. west of the
Trinity River & west of Farmers Branch (now Valley View) Picture includes
John, Emma Stanley & Family
Page 38: upper photo: "Emily Lou Stanley" should read
"Emma Lou Stanley"
Page 44: "Elmer Dennis" should correctly read "Emmer
Dennis". His name was Emerson, but he went by Emmer.
Page 49: lower photo: "left to right" should read
"right to left"
Page 65: upper photo: " 'Nubbib' Cox" should read "
'Nubbin' Cox"
Page 119:
The First Baptist Church of Farmers Branch
has submitted the following history to take the place of the one that
appears in the book.
On February 17, 1870, a group of pioneer settlers met
at the Farmers Branch school house and organized the First Baptist
Church of Farmers Branch. The following people were present and listed
as charter members: Noah and Sintha Good, G.W. and Sarah A. Good, Martha
Wainscott, Virginia Winn, Mary Marsh, Rebecca Marsh, Charles Longmire,
Harriet Gallop, John and E.H. (Emma) Gallop, and W.L. Good. Elder
Good served as the first pastor. His brother, W.L. Good, served as
church clerk.
By the year 1877 the membership had grown 96 and the
church properly was valued at $1,250. It is believed that around
this period of time the first church building was erected (see picture
on page 119.)
The church continues to display the bell that Noah
Good worked diligently to raise money for. On the day it as
purchased, Noah became gravely ill. Faithful members took time from work
and labored around the clock to erect a bell tower and successfully
mounted the bell so that Noah could hear it ring before he died.
Sam Underwood has faithfully served as pastor since
January 6, 1991.
Page 122: upper photo: "Sinath Good" should correctly read "Sintha
Good" Page 179: "Ruth Ann Parrish" should correctly read "Ruth Ann
Parish" |