Myers Theatre Opens
On Friday evening, Dec. 14, the Myers Theatre opened for
business in Carrolton. This is a completely new theatre and everything in it
is of the order designed to give comfort and pleasure to the patrons. The
opening night was not as auspicious as might have been hoped for and the
machines gave just a little annoyance but after these things were rectified
everything went lovely and the show was good. Saturday night
everything went off in good style and the show can now be said to be well
started and hitting on all twelve cylinders.
Carrollton now has a place to go for a little enjoyment. The place will be
run in an orderly fashion, and you can go there with the assurance that you
will be given the best services, the best pictures, and the nicest, cleanest
and most attractive house that is possible to give.
The Carrollton Chronicle, Friday, December 21, 1928