Cemetery Endowed Recently
The Farmers Branch (Keenan) Cemetery Association has
recently completed a four room residence situated on a lot
donated for a building site at Farmers Branch. The rentals from
this property will be used for the general upkeep of the
During the past three years, a permanent fund has been created
by donations from friends and lot owners. In 1938 the
organization secured a charter from the Secretary of State at
Austin and since has operated as a corporation.
The cemetery is nearly a hundred years old, dating back to the
days when the community was a unprotected wilderness. Recently,
under the supervision of the Federal Government a Civil War
marker for a Confederate soldier was placed in the Cemetery.
Burial space is still available.
The trustees are unanimous in their gratitude for the hearty
cooperation the project has received. At the annual meeting held
last Sunday afternoon the following officers were elected:
President, Floyd May, Farmers Branch; Vice Presidents, . P.
Echols, Farmers Branch, Mrs. F. P. Caillet, Dallas and Ben
Johnston, Farmers Branch; and Miss Mary Johnston, Secretary
The Carrollton Chronicle - October 3, 1941
Submitted by Edward Lynn
Williams |