Prior to 1876 the church was known as the Union Baptist
Church. It was organized in a pioneer cabin, May 10, 1846, under the
leadership of David Myers.
It was the earliest Baptist Church in Dallas County. Charter members
were Franklin Bowles, J. B. and Margaret Ann Lee,
Letticia Myers,
and John Miller Myers. Soon afterward, Sarah and Thomas Keenan and
Narcissus Wilburn joined. In 1847 the Baptists, aided by other
settlers, build their first meeting house on land given by
Thomas and Sarah Keenan.
This land was near the
Keenan Cemetery in Farmers Branch. The Rev. David Myers, the
original pastor, served until his death in 1853. The congregation of
the church split for some unknown reason and the Union Baptist
Church moved to Carrollton. Part of the congregation stayed in
Farmers Branch and established the Farmers Branch Missionary Baptist
Church which became known (October 5, 1951) as the First Baptist
Church of Farmers Branch.
History and photo submitted by Virginia Duckworth
Courtesy of the Farmers Branch Historical Park

First Baptist Church of Farmers Branch, second building, 1931.
The Educational wings was built in 1947