Union Depot and Tower Destroyed by Fire
Fire of unknown origin completely destroyed the Carrollton depot and
interlocking tower Sunday
afternoon abt 1:30.
The fire started in the Katy freight room and quickly got beyond the control
of the local fire department, and one came from the Oak Lawn fire department
in Dallas when it was feared the fire would spread beyond the depot and
tower. The two fire trucks made the run from Dallas to Carrollton in 22
minutes and did all they could but the depot and tower had already fallen
in. The Frisco Restaurant was threatened several times but only a little
damage was done.
F. F. Andrews of 2612 Laclede street Dallas, a fireman, was overcome by the
intense heat and the ambulance from the Emergency hospital in Dallas was
called. Dr. S. M. Blackwell one of our former citizens, was the one
who responded when the aid of the Emergency hospital was called.
Very little was saved from the flames and B. F. Hill, the local agent, gave
the loss to be almost $10,000. All of the records were lost with a
great deal of freight and express.
Within a few hours the Western Union Telegraph Co. had another set of keys
installed in a box car and the telegraph services resumed.
The Carrollton Chronicle - Friday, August 3, 1923
Submitted by
Edward Lynn

The Dallas Morning News - July 30, 1923