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In the early morning hours of Saturday, May 12, the life of Mrs. Viola
Baxley, 89 years of age, slowly ebbed away. "Grandma" as she was commonly
called, had been ill for several days, but apparently was much improved, but
took a turn for the worse Friday night and "fell asleep" at 2:30 a.m. Saturday.
Her children are Claude, Howard, Paul, Jim and Harold Baxley and Mrs. Mary
Mrs Baxley had been a member of the College Ave. Baptist Church since early
girlhood. She was a beloved character, loved by old and young alike. She
possessed a winning personality, lovely features, a soft sweet voice and a
radiant smile.
As age began to weaken her body her spirit remained young and cheerful.
She was an understanding mother and every ready to council with her children,
and fully trustful and confident of them. Very sympathetic and kind n her
dealings. Her ideals were high and revealed no compromise with wrong. She stood
firmly for God and righteousness. "Her children will rise up and call her
On the afternoon of Mother's Day her frail little body was laid to rest to await
the resurrection day.
"The hour is coming and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of
God: and they that hear shall live."
"Warm summer sun shine brightly here,
Green sod above, lie light, lie light.
Good night great heart, good night,
We'll see you in the morning."
Carrollton Chronicle, Friday May 18, 1951
Submitted by Edward Lynn
Williams |