OBITUARY Mrs. Frances Carolyn Burleson,
2524 Squire Pl., Farmers Branch. Survived by husband, Ronny Burleson, fort Hood,
Texas, parents, Mr. and Mrs. William P. Berry, Farmers Branch; D. W. McCain,
Garland, brothers, Robert Berry, Michael Berry; sister, Brenda Berry, all of
Farmers Branch; grandparents, Mrs. Joe Noel, Acquila, Texas; Mrs. E. V. McClain;
Mrs. E. V. McClain. Hillsboro. Services were held at 10:30 a.m. Monday in the
Rhoton, Weiland-Merritt Funeral Home with Bro. Elmer Howell officiating.
Interment was in Hilltop Cemetery, Carrollton. The Carrollton Chronicle -
February 6, 1969 |