![](Carlton_Lena_Crain_obituary2.jpg) |
Mrs. L. C. Carlton RICHARDSON - Funeral
services for Mrs. Lena Crain Carlton, 67, who moved to Austin from Richardson a
few months ago, will be held at 3 p.m. Monday in the First Baptist Church in
Richardson. Burial will be in the
Perry Cemetery in Carrollton.
Mrs. Carlton died Saturday in Austin.
A native of McMinnville, Tenn., she had lived in the Dallas area for about 35
years. Mrs. Carlton was a member of the First Baptist Church.
Survivors: A daughter, Mrs. JoAnn Radney of Austin; a brother, Dr. S. T. Crain
of Midland; two sisters, Mrs. Amanda Ewell and Mrs. Hester Albright, of
Richardson, and two grandchildren. The Dallas Morning News - November
11, 1968
Submitted by Edward Lynn
Williams |