Charles Leonard Chastain
Texas Mayor from 1919 - 1920
A Bike, a Man, a Dog
Charley Chastain was a fit subject for a hospital
Tuesday evening when we met him and he tried to tell us he
had rheumatism. The boys had been razzing him all day about
his exploit and so we wanted the real low down on the
affair. Some said he had been teaching Charles Younger how
to ride a bicycle. Some thought he had been run over by a
go-devil. Fact is that Chastain had been coming down College
avenue hill, and at a speed that was termed excessive for a
Model T, and when he reached the foot of the hill in front
of the Hamilton home a dog ran out and then something
happened. The wheel threw the rider shamefully avout on the
concrete and took after the pup. the pup escaped but
Chastain has many lacerations on his hands, head, body and
limbs that will take time to heal. The pavement withstood
the shock
The Carrollton Chronicle - Friday March 6, 1931
Submitted by Edward
Lynn Williams |
OBITUARY C. L. Chastain
Of Carrollton Passes Away
CARROLLTON, Texas, Feb. 3 - Charles L. Chastain, 61, secretary of this city's
municipal government eight years, organizer and chief of the Carrollton
volunteer fire department for sixteen years, died Tuesday.
Mr. Chastain, a resident here twenty-five years, was a native of Missouri. When
a child, he was brought to Texas by his parents who settled in Richardson, later
living in Garland. Since coming to Carrollton, he had operated a hardware
business with his brother, J. B. Chastain.
A former president of the District Volunteer Firemen's Association, he never
missed a state fireman's convention since the meetings were started. He also had
been a member of the Christian Church forty-five years.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Maggie Chastain; a daughter, Miss Eloise Chastain;
a son, Charles Y. Chastain, all of Carrollton, and a brother, J. B. Chastain,
Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Carrollton
Christian Church by the Rev. Patrick Henry Sr. of Fort Worth and the Rev.
Clifford Thomas. Burial will be in Restland Memorial Park. The Dallas
Morning News - February 4, 1942
Submitted by Edward Lynn Williams |

C. L. Chastain, City Secretary, Dies
Was Also Fire Chief, Former Hardware Business Partner
The flag flew at half mast at the local city hall Monday
and Tuesday in the memory of City Secretary and Fire
Chief C. L. Chastain who died Monday night in a Dallas
A resident of Carrollton for 25 years, Mr. Chastain had
been city secretary for the past eight years. He was
organizer and first chief of the Carrollton Volunteer
Fire Department and remained its chief during the
sixteen years since organization.
He moved with his parents from Missouri at an early age,
living first at Richardson and later at Garland. He
later moved to McKinney. There he worked for a newspaper
and for the Fire department. Moving to Carrollton about
25 years ago, he entered the hardware business with his
brother, J. B. Chastain, Roy Gravley later purchased the
interest of the later in the business and of the former
in 1933. In 1934, Mr. Chastain became city secretary.
Active in all phases of community life, Mr. Chastain was
particularly active in the fire department and was a
former president of the District Volunteer Fireman's
Association. He attended every meeting of the
association. He was a member of the Christian Church for
45 years, was a former superintendent of Sunday School,
and was an elder in the church. He was a member of the
Masonic lodge which had charge of the graveside
Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Maggie Chastain; one
daughter, Eloise and one son, Charles and one brother,
J. B. Chastain of Garland. Funeral services were
conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the local Christian
Church with Dr. Patrick Henry Sr. of Fort Worth in
charge, assisted by Rev. Clifford Thomas, pastor of the
local church. Burial was in Restland Memorial Park Level
firemen were pallbearers.
many out-of-town friends attended the funeral, those
arriving late unable to find seats in the building.
Representatives of nearly all fire departments in the
district attended, as well as police chiefs and other
city officials from nearby towns. The Dallas Fire
Department was represented. Sheriff Smoot Schmid and his
assistant were present.
Submitted by
Lynn Williams
Former Hardware Business Partner
The flag flew at half mast at the local city hall
Monday and Tuesday in the memory of City Secretary and
Fire Chief C. L. Chastain who died Monday night in a
Dallas hospital.
A resident of Carrollton for 25 years, Mr. Chastain had
been city secretary for the past eight years. He was
organizer and first chief of the Carrollton Volunteer
Fire Department and remained its chief during the
sixteen years since organization.
He moved with his parents from Missouri at an early age,
living first at Richardson and later at Garland. He
later moved to McKinney. There, he worked for a
newspaper and for the fire department. Moving to
Carrollton about 25 years ago, he entered the hardware
business with his brother, J. B. Chastain. Roy
Gravley later purchased the interest of the later in the
business and of the former in 1933. In 1934, Mr.
Chastain became city secretary.
Active in all phases of community life, Mr. Chastain was
particularly active in the fire department and was a
former president of the District Volunteer Fireman's
Association. He attended every meeting of the
association. He was a member of the Christian Church for
45 years, was a former superintendent of Sunday School,
and was an elder in the church. He was a member of the
Masonic lodge which had charge of the graveside
Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Maggie Chastain; one
daughter, Eloise and one son,
Charles and one brother,
J. B. Chastain of Garland. Funeral services were
conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the local Christian
Church with Dr. Patrick Henry Sr. of Fort Worth in
charge, assisted by Rev. Clifford Thomas, pastor of the
local church. Burial was in Restland Memorial Park.
Local firemen were pallbearers.
The Carrollton Chronicle - February 6, 1942
Submitted by
Edward Lynn Williams |

Charles L. Chastain
1880 - 1942
Restland Memorial Park, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas