OBITUARY Flood Victim Found,
Hands Clutching Tree
Fisherman's Pants, Noticed on Fence, Believed Torn
Off By Force of Water
The body of Frank Dowd, 62, a river fisherman, was
found Tuesday west of Farmers Breanch in the mud of retreating flood waters of
Elm Fork about 100 yards from the river channel.
Dowd's hands were tightly clutched to the branch of a willow tree. He was last
seen Thursday when he left his five-year old daughter, Zona Rose Dowd, with the
family of E. J. Elms, living two miles west of Farmers Branch when the river
started flooding.
A verdict of death by accidental drowning was rendered by Justice Walter J.
Stovall. Dowd's body was taken to the Rhoton Funeral Home, Carrollton. His
mother, Mrs. H. R. Dowd, lives at 2727 Throckmorton, Dallas, Justice Stovall
Deputy Sheriffs Jim Townsend and W. D. Smith reported that the body was found by
E. W. Brake, Carrollton, and J. E. Mills, Farmers Branch. The two men
noticed a pair of trousers hanging on a barbed wire fence as they drove on the
Keenan Bridge road.
The found the body near the trousers, which apparently had been torn off Dowd as
he was carried downstream by the current. The weight of his body pulled to the
ground as the water reached the willow branch he clutched.
Dowd's house was near the river, residents of the area reported. Deputy Sheriff
Townsend believed that he was drowned Friday and that he probably was trying to
go from his house to the farm home where he had left his small daughter when he
was caught by the swift waters.
The Dallas Morning News - February 23, 1938
Submitted by Edward
Lynn Williams