E. L. Dudley Rites Set 2 P.M. Tuesday
Services for E. L. Dudley, 72, Dallas carpenter and Baptist deacon for many
years, who died at his home, 606 Wayne, Saturday, will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday
at the First Baptist Church of Carrollton, of which Dudley was a charter member.
The Rev. W. A. Roberts will conduct the service, assisted by the Rev. Steve R.
Philpot, pastor of Fair Park Baptist Church. Burial will be at
Cemetery Hill, near
Dudley is survived by his wife; a son, Bill Dudley, Dallas; and two las, and
Mrs. C. P. Gowland, San daughters, Mrs. C. D. Hutsell, Dallas, and Mrs. C. P.
Gowland, San Antonio.
The Dallas Morning News - August 19, 1947
Submitted by Edward Lynn Williams |