Hilton Gentry Writes From San Diego, Calif.
Hilton Gentry, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gentry, who is in the U.S. Navy, writes
the following to the Chronicle and Carrollton:
Dr. Mr. Harvey,
Of course you're wondering who I am and what I'm doing writing you, so I'll
begin by telling you. I am Hilton Gentry of of Carrollton's R. G. Gentry.
Six months ago I enlisted in the U.S. Navy and at the present time I am
attending the Radio School at the U.S. Naval Training station here at San Diego,
Calif. It so happens that I am extremely interested in the works and welfare of
the citizens of Carrollton and do just as much toward that as possible by
reading every issue of the Carrollton Chronicle.
At the threshold of another year, I pause to extend my best wishes to all of you
for a prosperous and happy new year. I do this in all sincerity and with
the feeling that this will be largely realized because 1941 promises much for us
... If there are any young men in the community idle, they will find great
opportunity for education and work in the U.S. Navy, at no cost to the
individual whatsoever...
In extending season's greetings, here's hoping that the year 1941 is your most
Hilton Gentry The Carrollton Chronicle, Friday, January 19, 1941
Submitted by Edward Lynn
The Carrollton Chronicle - Fri. April 6, 1945