OBITUARY Everett Harrison
FARMERS BRANCH - Funeral for Everett Harrison, 76, of Farmers Branch,
brother of Mrs. O. T. (Stella) Tate of 3002 Buffalo Gap Rd. and Mrs. Glenn
(Ella) Johnson of Buffalo Gap, will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the First Baptist
Church in Farmers Branch.
Burial will be in Farmer's Branch Cemetery.
Mr. Harrison died Saturday night in the Haven Rest Hospital in Farmers Branch.
Survivors include his wife; a son, James, of the home; a daughter, Mrs. Lamond
Ford of Carrollton; six grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. Tate of Abilene, Mrs.
Johnson of Buffalo Gap, Mrs. Lynn Thompson of Carrollton and Mrs. J. W. Burton
* Obituary has Farmers Branch Cemetery but is buried in Crown Hill Cert shows Crown Hill
Abilene Reporter - News (Abilene, TX) - February 16, 1971
Submitted by Edward Lynn