Funeral services for Gilbert Jones, 52, a farmer and a member of the
Carrollton School Board since January, 1943, were held at 10 a.m. Saturday in
the College Avenue Baptist Church.
The Rev. Herbert Moore, pastor, officiated and burial was in
Hilltop Cemetery with the
Rhoton Funeral Home in charge.
Jones died unexpectedly last Thursday of a heart attack. He was unopposed as a
candidate for reelection to the School Board in the election set for May 1.
Jones lived on Route 1.
He is survived by his wife; a son, Bryan Jones, and four daughters, Mrs. Lois
Reddick, Mrs. Anna Lou Webb and Miss Charlotte Jones all of Carrollton, and Mrs.
Willie Jurick of College Station, Brazos County.
Pallbearers: Billy Patterson, W. T. Squibb, S. B. Price, Ben Sloan, J. W.
Thompson, Joe Gravley.
The Carrollton Chronicle - Friday, April 16, 1954
Dallas Morning News - April 10, 1954
Submitted by Edward Lynn Williams |