Charles Carlton
Carrollton &
Farmers Branch
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> Chares Carlton Lovelace
Lovelace Named New Chief
C. C. Lovelace was elected new fire chief of the Carrollton Volunteer Fire
Dept. at a meeting of the group Tuesday night. He succeeds E. L. Russell who
held the post for a number of years.
Others elected during the annual election of officers meeting were the
J. B. Shafer, assisted chief; M. C. Kirkham, captain; H. D. Myers, sec-treas.;
C. S. Vaden, chaplain; Mrs. Lucille Burgess, mother; Mrs. Eunice Myers, sponsor;
Ralph Burgess, Jr., mascot.
Former Chief Russell was elected delegate to the State Firemen and Fire Marshal
Association's convention to be held in June. Frank Burgess was elected
alternate delegate. The Carrollton Chronicle - Friday, March 4,
1955; Page 1 |
Services today for C.C. Lovelace
Services for Charles Carlton Lovelace, a longtime Dallas-area educator,
will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Restland Funeral Home's Wildwood Chapel in
Dallas. Burial will be at Restland Memorial Park.
Mr. Lovelace, 90, died of a heart attack Saturday at Midway Park Medical Center
in Lancaster.
During his 41-year career, the Dallas resident taught drafting and wood shop and
coached tennis and basketball at Krum, Carrollton and Dallas schools. He also
served as principal of a Carrollton grade school before finishing his career as
a teacher at Boude Storey Junior High in Oak Cliff. He retired in 1965.
Mr. Lovelace was also active with the
Carrollton Volunteer Fire Department for several decades, helping create the
city's first professional fire department.
He is survived by two sons, Allen J. Lovelace
of Roswell, N.M., and Charles R. Lovelace of Garland; a daughter, Ann Anderson
of Duncanville; a stepson, Billy Flatt of Decatur; a brother, Ray Lovelace of
Bonham; and nine grandchildren.
The Dallas Morning News) - December 14, 1993 |

AUG 29, 1903 - DEC. 11, 1994
Restland Memorial Park, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas