OBITUARY Former policeman killed in Sherman
By Richard Connelly
SHERMAN, Texas - A former Farmers Branch and Sherman police officer was
shot at least five times and killed by his former wife Tuesday, apparently as he
was trying to take the couple's children away from her, police said.
David Lucas, 33, also known as Adam Shane, was dead on arrival at Medical Plaza
Hospital in Sherman after the incident shortly after 8 a.m.
Sherman police said he had been shot at least five and possibly seven times.
Shirley Nadine Lucas, 31, of 4832 Highgrove in Sherman, was charged with murder
and freed on $2,000 bond before noon.
Sherman police said Lucas, a woman and two children were in a car in front of
Mrs. Lucas' home when she begin firing into it with a semi-automatic .22-caliber
The woman in the car was shot once, but the children were not injured, Sherman
police said.
The woman was treate4d at an area hospital and released, police said.
Lucas worked for the Sherman and Farmers Branch police deprtments at least three
years ago, officers at both departments said.
One officer said Lucas had taken the children once before, moving to New Mexico
and living under an alias until he was discovered.
The Dallas Morning News - April 7, 1982 |