Mary E. (Sonntag)
Carrollton &
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McRae family legacy includes faith, strength and success
By Mary Beth Scallon Special Contributor Oct 29, 2022
any mother has a right to be proud of her family, it would
surely be Mary McRae. However, she is a humble woman, and pride
is not a virtue, although she confesses that her children,
grandchildren and great-grandchildren bring her great joy.
McRae, the widow of Bill McRae, who was a community leader in
Jacksonville before his death, met her husband when she went to
work at a bank in Carrollton, following her graduation from high
“I went to work for Mercantile Bank,” she said. “They were
training me to be a teller. Bill had taken a year off from
college to work as a bookkeeper at a lumber mill, and he walked
into the bank. I took one look and thought, ‘I could be
She added that, “it went from there.”
A few years later, Bill McRae decided to change careers after
being prompted by his wife.
“I always knew he could do better than bookkeeping,” she said.
He became a banker in Carrollton, and then several years and
many prayers after, the family moved to Galveston, where Bill
continued his banking career.
While working at Moody National Bank in Galveston, Bill arranged
the loan for two men who intended to open a Ford dealership. In
a surprising and unfortunate turn of events, both men died
before completing their plans, and as the lending officer, Bill
was responsible for coming up with a workable solution to
compensate for potential loss to the bank.
“He worked at the bank during the day and at the car dealership
at night, and was able to save the business,” Mary said. “After
awhile, Ford contacted Bill and told him if he ever wanted
another dealership, they knew he was able.”
Again, the couple prayed about making another life-changing
decision, and after checking into a couple of dealerships in
other towns, they felt led to settle in Jacksonville and opened
the Bill McRae dealership.
By this time, all five of their children had been born. Mary
reflected on the fact that she and Bill had a large family, at
least by modern standards.
“We both decided before we married that we wanted a big family,”
she said. “The most important thing for us was that our children
would grow up knowing the Lord, and we have had the family we
prayed for; they have been a joy.”
Throughout their marriage, she and Bill also raised their
children to embrace the value of hard work and education.
That upbringing paid off: three of their daughters are
educators; one daughter is a physician; and their son has
assumed the leadership role at Bill McRae Ford, which his father
established in 1976.
Tim McRae is married to Dawn, and they are the parents of
Lindsey, who is married to Michael Crawford and works at Rusk
State Hospital, and of Mitch McRae, who works with his dad at
the dealership and is married to Maria McRae. Tim and Dawn are
grandparents to seven children.
Dr. Tam Nannen is the Dean of Students at Tyler Junior College,
where she serves as the chief student advocate, overseeing both
student rights and student responsibilities. Her children have
also achieved success in their chosen fields. Christen is
employed by Baylor University in University Advancement;
Catherine is a neonatal ICU nurse at Texas Health Presbyterian
Hospital Dallas; Caroline is the Program Coordinator of
Fellowships and Global Initiatives at MIT; James is an assistant
principal in Irving ISD; and Jonathan works as a coach and
mathematics teacher in Conroe ISD.
Dr. Nannen also has seven grandchildren.
Another McRae daughter, Dr. Kim Childs, is the Dean of
Mathematics and Science at Stephen F. Austin State University in
Nacogdoches. She and husband, Gary Childs, have three children:
Matt, who works in property management; Chris, the VP of an
automotive company in Houston; and Betsy, who works in research
at Texas A&M.
Dr. Childs and Gary also have nine grandchildren.
Becky McRae Hanna, another daughter, taught for many years at
Jacksonville High School, but now works with her brother, Tim,
at Bill McRae Ford. Becky and her husband, David Hanna, are the
parents to Justin, who is an attorney in Dallas, and Dylan, a
physical therapy assistant in East Texas, and grandparents to
four children.
The youngest McRae daughter, Dr. Caroline McRae-Vogler, is a
pediatrician in the UT Health System in Tyler. She and her
husband are the parents of the two youngest McRae grandchildren,
who have been recognized for their accomplishments in music,
sports and scouting.
Mary recently celebrated her 90th birthday, and her family
honored her request for a reunion with friends and family she
hasn’t seen in awhile. In addition, the family took a trip to
Galveston, where she was able to visit some of the places she
remembers fondly from her days in that city.
Most particularly, she was happy to visit the church where the
family attended when her children were young: First Baptist
Church of Galveston.
When the family moved to Jacksonville, she became active in the
children’s ministry at Central Baptist Church, serving as
Nursery Director. In Galveston, she was actively involved with
the Women’s Missionary Union and children’s Sunday School at the
church, as well as serving as PTA President when her younger
children were small.
These days, she sews a little and reads a lot. The most
endearing time for her during the day are the early morning
hours in which she spends 2 to 2 ½ hours daily in prayer and
Bible Study.
“I’ve waited a long time for this,” she said. “My family knows
that is my time with the Lord, and they honor that.”
Reflecting on prayer, McRae said that she is grateful for
answered prayer.
“I am very humbled that our prayers were answered for our
children to get an education and lead successful lives,” she
said, “But I am most thankful for a Christian family. I am very
blessed that He has given us the family we prayed for.”
“I will never cease to thank the Lord for blessing me with my
mother and the home she and Dad provided for me and my brother
and sisters,” said Tam Nannen of her mom, speaking on behalf of
herself and her siblings.
“Mom is the rock of our family. She is my strongest and most
tenacious prayer warrior. She is resourceful and very
independent. Throughout the years, she taught me how to mother
my own children, not simply with words of wisdom but with
actions that model the characteristics of a godly woman.” |

Still Waters Memorial Garden, Jacksonville, Cherokee
County, Texas
- Carrollton High School Class of 1950
- Wife of William Rester "Bill" McRae, Jr. (1932-2010) m.
March 28, 1952
- www.FindAGrave.com Memorial #174161873