Oleta Mae (Borchardt)
Carrollton &
Farmers Branch
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> Oleta May (Borchardt) Railey
1941 The Silver Lion
Carrollton High School
Carrollton, Dallas Co., Texas
Senior ClassOleta's beauty is unsurpassed
The friends she has will always last
She's very intelligent and very neat
And to all the boys she's very sweet. |
Oleta Borchardt, who makes her home with Mrs. H. D. Rhoton in Carrollton, plans
to work in an office after she graduates. She has attended Carrollton High for
four years and she also completed her grade school work here.
Oleta has enjoyed shorthand more than any other subject. The course she liked
best was American history. Her favorite sport was soft ball. The sport she liked
to watch best was foot ball. Oleta's favorite author is Margaret Mitchell.
Oleta thinks that Mildred Good has done the most for Carrollton High this year.
Her favorite movie greats are George Brent and Carole Lombard. Oleta's three
best adult friends are Mrs. H. D. Rhoton, Mrs. Calvin Albright and Mrs. Chic
Oleta does not with to live her adult life in Carrollton. The event that she
enjoyed the most during high school was the Junior-Senior Banquet.
The Carrollton Chronicle; Carrollton, Texas; Friday, May 16, 1941 |

Oleta Mae (Borchardt) Railey
Hillcrest Garden of Memory Cemetery, Hillsboro,
Hill County, Texas