OBITUARY HAWKINS - Services for Carmon W. "Bill" Ringo,
77, Hawkins, are scheduled for 10 a.m. Friday at Holly Brook Baptist Church with
the Rev. Larry Taylor officiating.
Graveside services are scheduled for 3 p.m. at
Furneaux Cemetery, Carrollton,
under direction of Beaty Funeral Home/English Chapel, Hawkins.
Mr. Ringo died March 28 in Quitman.
He was born April 29, 1923, in Lovelady to the late Jeff and Janie McCarty
Ringo. He served in the Army during World War II, and lived in Carrollton prior
to moving to Hawkins in 1983. He was a policeman for city of Carrollton and for
Hawkins, where he served as police chief 1985-1986. He was a member of Holly
Brook Baptist church. He was preceded in death by son, Carlos Ringo; brother,
Herman Ringo, and sister Mary Helen McCormick.
Survivors include his wife, Carmaletta Ringo, Hawkins; sons, Casey Ringo,
Lewisville, Billy Mack Ringo and Calvin Ringo both of Carrollton; daughter,
Carllotta Bradley, Cedar Hill; brothers, Roy Ringo, Canton, and Donny Ringo,
Kemp; sisters, Kathryn White, Dallas, Wynnie May Derczo, Grand Prairie, and
Patsy Bradford, Carrollton; seven grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.
Tyler Morning Telegraph, Tyler TX - March 30, 2001 |