Funeral Rites Saturday For Mrs. Lennis Simon
Funeral services will be held at 4 p.m. Saturday at the Sparkman Brand
Chapel for Mrs. Lennis Griggs Simon, wife of Charles R. Simon, 5846 Oram. She
died Friday at St. Paul Hospital. Dr. W. A. Criswell and Robert H. Coleman of
the First Baptist Church will officiate. Burial will be at Cemetery Hill. Her
parents, Col. and Mrs. E. Griggs, were Texas pioneers. She lived most of her
life in Dallas and spent much of her time painting pictures which she left to
her family and friends.
Besides her husband, she is survived by a brother, F. B. Griggs; and six
sisters, Mrs. W. H. Butler, Mrs. Carrie Lowe, and Mrs. G. H. Jackson, all of
Dallas; Mrs. W. C. Larkin, Oklahoma City; Mrs. J. L. Jackson, Wichita Falls; and
Mrs. R. L. Richie, Fort Worth.
The Dallas Morning News - July 21, 1945
Submitted by Edward Lynn
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