Funeral services for Mrs. Melissa Adeline (J. T.) Whitlock, Rt. 1,
Carrollton, were held at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Carrollton First Baptist Church.
Dr. Fred A. White and the Rev. Fred Groom will officiate. Burial will be in the
Hilltop Cemetery.
Mrs. Whitlock, an early Carrollton resident, died Thursday after a long illness.
Mrs. Whitlock was a member of the First Baptist Church of Carrollton. The
Whitlock Addition of Carrollton was constructed on the site of the Whitlock
family farm.
Survivors include her husband; three sons, J. N. Whitlock of Carrollton ahd H.
T. and P. T. Whitlock of Dallas; three daughters, Mrs. E. H. Bishop and Mrs.
Louis Reed of Carrollton, and Mrs. Bob London of Longview; a sister, Mrs. Daisy
Certain of Richardson; a brother, P. C. Ausbrook of Little Rock, Ark; 14
grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were the grandsons.
Rhoton Funeral Home was in Charge.
The Carrollton Chronicle - Friday, March 24, 1961 |