Carrollton High School
Class of 1934
Carrollton &
Farmers Branch
TXGenWeb |

Carrollton Schools Graduated Big Class
Carrollton schools graduated their class of thirty one young men and
women last Friday night, the exercises being held in the Methodist
church. The spacious auditorium was filled to capacity, the
graduates being seated in the choir gallery the speaker of the
evening, Mr. Joe Leopold of Dallas, Prof. Gunstream, Prof. E. P.
Berryhill and Rev. A. T. Pilgreen on the rostrum.
After the processional, Texas, Our Texas, the invocation was given
by J. W. Gravley, following which came the glee club with Home on
the Range. Frederick Mayes, one of the four honor students, gave an
address on the Japanese Situation, followed by Marjo Ree Ledbetter
with a paper on Ideals. The class then sang their Class Song,
arranged to fit the tune of Easter Parade. Anna Lou Rothfus had a
paper on the War Situation, and following this Nannie Margaret
McKamy gave a paper, Education for Leisure.
Bettie Keneipp sang a solo; Little Man, You've Had a Busy Day and
then Mr. Leopold addressed the class in one of his characteristic
talks every sentence of which bristled with ideas.
It was a good address and many were the complimentary remarks we
heard from the audience at the close of the meeting. The mind of the
graduate is usually busy at this season and just how much
space remains for talks of this sort is not determined but there
were many choice thoughts in this address for the students if they
captured them.
To Oliver Godfrey, a new member of the board of education, went the
honor of presenting the class with their diplomas and he passed out
the thirty-one in approved style. Perfect attendance and honor
awards were presented by E. P. Berryhill and scholarships and the
much coveted "All around student" award were presented by John W.
Gunstream. The audience sang Star Spangled Banner following which
the benediction was given by Dale Moody, one of last year's
graduates, who is home from school for his vacation.
In making the awards Mr. Gunstream called attention to the manner in
which they were given, those receiving the honor awards for ONE
years records were Nannie Margaret McKamy, Anna Lou Rothfus, Marje
Ree Ledbetter, and Kathleen Nix. In the TWO year work the highest
average fell to Nannie Margaret McKany, Anna Lou Rothfus, Marjo Ree
Ledbetter and Frederick Mayes. In each instance the honors came in
the order in which the students are named. In the award for "All
Around Student" which is based on Scholarship, Achievement and
Loyalty, and in which the first named does not carry as much weight
s do the their qualities, Frederick Mayes was the winner. This is a
much coveted award and calls for many little qualifications that do
not enter the curriculum. |

Reception For Graduates
Following the Commencement exercise last Friday night Miss Janie
Stark gave a reception for faculty members, board of education, and
seniors and their parents at the home of her parents on college
avenue. About one hundred were in attendance and they spent a
pleasant hour together. Punch and angel food cake were served.
Bettie Keneipp and Bettie Blanton presided at the punch bowl.
During the event the Seniors presented their Sponsor, Miss Stark,
with a handsome bedspread and their class Mother, Mrs. Keneipp, with
a handsome bracelet |
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Edward Lynn Williams © Copyright
January, 2012