Social Event of High School Life Held Friday Night in M. E.
Church The one outstanding event of the school life of
Carrollton schools each year is the Junior-Senior Banquet. It was
held this year on Friday night in the basement of the Methodist
church, drawing the usual large attendance, the class being large.
It was under the management of Prof. and Mrs. E. M. Jordan and they
being ably assisted by the class mother and class sponsor, also by
the mothers of the Juniors.
The room was decorated for the event in the most elaborate manner we
have yet seen it and presented a lovely appearance.
The Menu follows:
Fruit Coctail
Chicken a la King
Green Beans
Earth's Fruit
New Potatoes
Iced Tea
Congealed Salad
Ice Cream and Cake
The following program was given with Ray Ogle as toastmaster.
Invocation, Rev. Turner
Welcome Joe Bailey
Response, Melvin Neely
Vocal Duet, Betty Lou Keneipp and Iris Hurst
Address to the Seniors, Mrs. H. L. Goerner
Appreciation of Our Seniors, Betty Blanton
Thoughts on Leaving S. W. Berry
Piano Solo, Cecil Groves
Backward Glances O'er Traveled Paths, Mr. J. W. Gunstream.
The class colors of pink and green were observed in table
decorations and in the tying of the programs. Place cards likewise
had their touch of pink and green tho the heavier color, black,
depicted a cap on a scroll presumed to be the diploma both Juniors
and Seniors hoped to get
Carrollton Chronicle - May 11, 1934 |