Carrollton High School Closes
SPECIAL TO THE NEWSCarrollton, Tex. May 14. - The Carrollton High
School closed the term for 1911-12. In the presence of quite a number of patrons
and friends of the school the pupils rendared an excellent program, at the close
of which C. E. Hudson of Dallas and president of the First State Bank of
Carrollton awarded the medals for the best work done in four departments. These
were beautiful gold medals engraved C.H.S. 1912.
The sermon to the graduating class was preached by Rev. C. A. Spragins,
presiding elder of this district. His subject was "The Abundant Life," taken
from John, x,10.
The final graduating exercises were held at the school house auditorium. The
graduating class delivered a well prepared program, after which Judge E. B. Muse
of Dallas addressed the class with a splendid discourse, along the lines of
higher education, reminding them that they only had the foundation laid for an
educational building. At the close of his talk he delivered the diplomas to the
following students as the first graduates of Carrollton High School: The
graduates are Homer H. Dennis and Miss Grace Riley of Farmers Branch, W. M.
Brake, Miss Ora Mays, Miss Virgie Good, Miss Geneva Boatwright of Carrollton.
The Dallas Morning New - May 15, 1912
Submitted by
Edward Lynn
Williams |