Class of 1928 -
Graduation Articles
Carrollton High School
Carrollton &
Farmers Branch
TXGenWeb |
Sunday Sermon Starts Commencement Week
At Carrollton High Commencement Week activities for the
Carrollton High School will begin Sunday morning with the baccalaureate
sermon, J. W. Gunstream, principal, said Tuesday. The Rev. S. E. Wilkin,
pastor of the Carrollton Christian Church, will preach the sermon to the
senior class at the Methodist Church. J. P. Harris, superintendent of
Carrollton schools, will direct the musical service.
The senior class play, "Aaron Boggs, Freshman." will be given in the
high school auditorium nder the direction of Mrs. Chester Good on
Thursday night, May 31. H. L. Goerner, county superintendent, will give
the address to the graduates at the commencement on Friday night, June
Fifteen pupils will take part in the senior class play. They are the
thirteen members of the senior class and Morgan Huffhines and J. W.
Gravley. Candidates for graduation are Gertrude Hoffman, valedictorian;
Blondie Mayes, salutatorian; Rena Lott, Magdalena Thompson, Virgie
Harpool, Frandella Webb, Ann Stark, Ruby Thompson, John Gravley, Carl
Ross, Thomas Webb, Thurmond Gravley and J. W. Good
The Dallas Morning News - May 5, 1923
Submitted by
Edward Lynn
Williams |
Hoffman First At Carrollton School Miss Gertrude Hoffman
won first honors of the graduating class of Carrollton High School,
Supt. J. P. Harris announced Tuesday. She will be valedictorian of the
class of the commencement exercises on Friday night, June 1. Miss
Blondie Mayes won school honor and will be salutatorian of the class.
Other members of the senior class are Rena Lott, Virgie Harpool, Ruby
Thompson, Anne Stark, Fandella Webb, John Gravley, J. W. Good, Thurmond
Graveley, Thomas Webb, Carl Ross and Magdalena Thompson. The Dallas
Morning News - May 9, 1928
Submitted by
Edward Lynn
Williams |
Carrollton Has
Thirteen Graduates in Class Carrollton High school
will graduate a class of thirteen this term. Graduation exercises will
be held Friday night, June 1 at eight o'clock and Prof. H. L. Goerner,
county superintendent of schools, will deliver the address to the class.
The class contains eight girls and five boys and this is the frist class
to be graduated since the Carrollton schools attained twelve units of
affiliation. Their work under Prof. J. P. Harris has been excellent and
this year the schol is asking and hopes to get an additional four
credits from the state department. This would place them in a much
higher rank.
The high honors in the class were won by Gertrude Hofmann who will be
valedictorian at the commencement; Blondie Mayes won second honors and
will be salutatorian. The class is composed of Gertrude Hofmann, Blondie
Mayes, Annie Stark; Magdalena Thompson, Fannie Della Webb, Ruby
Thompson, Thurmond Gravley, Rena Lott, Virgie Harpoll, Johnnie Gravley,
Carl Ross, J. W. Good, and the Thomas Webb. They have taken as class
colors: Pink and White; Class Flowers: Rose Buds and Carnations; Class
Motto: Honesty, Courtesy, Loyalty.
The Baccalaureate sermon will be delivered Sunay, May 27, by Rev. S. E.
The class play will be given Thursday night, May 31. The
Carrollton Chronicle - Friday, May 18, 1928
Submitted by
Edward Lynn
Williams |
1928 - Seniors to

Members of the senior class of the high school at Carrollton, Dallas
County, who will receive their diplomas at the annual commencement
Friday night, June 1, are shown here. The class consists of thirteen
members. They are , left to right, front row: Rena Lott, Gertrude
Hoffman, Blondie Mayes, Virgie Harpool Ruby Thompson, Anne Stark,
Fandella Webb; back row, Supt. J. P. Harris, John Gravley, J. W. Good,
Thurmond Gravley, Thomas Webb, Carl Ross and Magdalena Thompson.
Mrs. Iris Rhoton Stewart, teacher of expression and physical culture in
the school, whose pupils will appear in a music and expression recital
on Tuesday night, is at the right. Dallas Morning News - May
18, 1928
Submitted by
Edward Lynn
Williams View Full
Newspaper Clipping |
Carrollton High Class Hears Graduation
Talk Warning to beware of those who scoff at the Bible
and to guard against any higher education that might stunt spiritual
growth was given by the Rev. S. M?. Wilkin?, pastor of the Carrollton
Christian Church; in his baccalaureate sermon to the graduating class of
the Carrollton High School Sunday morning in the Carrollton Methodist
Church. His subject was "Thought Power a Vial Need of Our Day."
Dwelling upon the wonders of the human mind, Mr. Wilkin pointed out the
manifestations of conscious subconscious and superconscious mind. He
continued, in part:
"A great physician made the statement that each and every one possesses
that which was never born, is never sick and never died. Some call this
the God-principle. Others speak of it as the immortal part. The chruch
defines it as Christ enthroned within the divine principle or the
spiritual force etc. A beautiful name for it is teh superconscious
The Dallas Morning News - May 28, 1928
Submitted by
Edward Lynn
Williams |
Graduates To Be Guests at Party Members of the
graduating class of the Carrollton High School will be entertained with
a party at the home of their teachers, Mrs. Tom McKamy of Richardson,
Wednesday night. Following the party the girls of the class will be
given a slumber party at Mrs. McKamy's home. The class consists of
thirteen members.
The Dallas Morning News - June 5, 1928
Submitted by
Edward Lynn
Williams |
Carrollton School Honor Roll
The following students have either made a straight A grade in each
subject pursued or an average of A in all subjects pursued.
Georgia Myers, Fay McMillan, Willie Fay Hofmann, Hessie May McRight,
Christine Mayes.
Jack Lewis, Ernest Coonrod
Otis Butler
Eloise Chastain, Beulah Mae Marsh, Earl Johnston
J. E. Johnston
Ruth Colwell, Nancy Harris
Charlene Calloway, Doris Ruth Harris, Jeanice Noble
An ad????nt column will be run in this paper, following the six
week examination and continuing thru ought the remainder of the year on
the week to lowing the issuance of report cards which will include the
names of a students that have improved their grades in at absent two
subjects during the preceding term.
The Dallas Morning News - Friday, November 9, 1928
Submitted by
Edward Lynn
Williams |