Where Carrollton Teachers are Domiciled
Carrollton teachers who are not residents have located themselves and are
ready for the seasons work. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Stephenson have rooms with Mr.
and Mrs. A. T. Stewart.
Miss Holt is with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reed.
Miss Means and her sister are located with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bishop.
Miss Horn is with Mrs. W. D. Nix.
Miss Ruth Paddock is again with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Berryhill are located in the Mrs. Allen residence.
Miss Minne Dearing and her mother are located in one of the Crow residences on
College avenue.
Prof. John Gunstream is
"at home" with Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Good, as usual.
The Carrollton Chronicle, Friday, Sept. 19, 1930
Submitted by
Edward Lynn Williams