I was a student of Miss
Angie Butler in 1956-1957.. I think. I was born Nov. 1951 and started 1st
grade when I was 5, so should be those years. I recognize faces, but not
names...maybe Darlene, Randy.
Perhaps I've confused
the schools. I remember my school was Miss Butler's Christian Academy in
Farmers Branch.
Notice the calendar on
the back wall dated November 1957.
I am on top row under
the apples... Brenda McLain. Standing beside Miss Butler on second row is
Rita Minter. In front of Miss Butler is Paul Turska (sp?). Rita is my first
cousin. Paul was the first boy to ever kiss me! Lol!
I remember a very sad
time... a classmate named Charlene Wafford (sp?) was killed by her father's
car when she fell out of the back. We (many of the first grade went to her
funeral and stood behind the flowers and casket and sang.
Submitted by Brenda McLain