Farmers Branch School
1951-52 1st Grade
Carrollton & Farmers Branch

Home > Schools > Farmers Branch School > 1951-52 1st Grade




I believe the teacher was Ms. Jeffries or Ms. Jeffrey.  She was my first grade teacher and was the only teacher that sent me to the Principals office for kissing a little boy named "Billy".  I was a little fiesty in those days. 

I'm on the bottom row second from the left.  I remember many faces but can't remember their names.  However on the very top row, fifth from the left is Danny Burns and third from the right I believe his last name was Sebolt or Sebold.

My maiden name was Barbara Ann Burkett, I lived on Springlake Road where my Dad was building our home.  On that same road was Howard and Maryjo Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and daughter Joy Smith.  I believe Ms. Smith had the beauty shop on that road. There was an elderly couple by the name of Coonrod, and another couple with the last name of Hale/Hail.  At the corner of Springlake Road there was a  house that had an apartment over the garage where one of my teachers lived, but I can't remember her name.

My Mom worked part-time for Roy (Bud) Marcom at his grocery story.  He and his wife Ruth were good friends of my parents Paul and Gene(boys spelling but this is correct) Burkett, I have a picture of the four of them together out on the town.  Mr. and Mr. Marcom had two sons James and Norman. I saw that James had passed away. 

I went to FB from the first to the sixth grade and attended the First Baptist Church of FB. I remember a Pam Proctor, Shirley Greer, Freida Upchurch, Sharon Marsh and Jerri McCurley

At the bottom of the photo it has 1951-1952.  The price was 50 cents. I also believe the little girl that is fifth from the left bottom row (right in the middle, dark hair, plaid dress) could be Pam Proctor

... Barbara Lange

Carrollton-Farmers Branch TXGenWeb
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