Primary Grades - Carrollton School at Belt Line and Erie - 1914.
Top Row: Mrs. Minnie Moore, teacher; Miss Willie Jackson (Mrs. M. A. Good),
assistant teacher.
Darrell Myers
Burnett Perry
Theta Baxley
Pansy Baxley
Fyke Brake
Eunice Fyke [Twin]
Eura Fyke [Twin]
Gladys Perry
Warner Perry
Pearl Thompson
Johnnie Lois Warner
Homer Whitlock
William Holman
Marvin Holman
Daniel Nix |
David Nix
Boyd Huffhines
Raymond Rose
Paul Hardcastle
Elzie Tutt
Jay Needhamn
Juanita Brake
Iris Rhoton
Flora Holman
Clint Vinson
Tessie Seamans
Worthy Thompson
Mattie Sanford
Beulah Vinson |
Can you help us identify anyone else ?
Note: Two of the boys, second row #2 & 3 from the
left, are showing off their pocket watches.
Elm Fork Echoes - The Peters Colony Historical Society
of Dallas County, Texas.
1 No. 1, April 1973