The book is full of useful information on the settlement
of the ELM FORK area in Texas. The settlers bought land from the Peters
Colony Land Company and many historical and genealogical facts are
throughout this publication. The time period covered is 1836 to 1977.
The book was reprinted with permission by the
Peters Colony
Historical Society of Dallas County, Texas in August 1996. This hardback
book contains over 600 pages, including index and photos. A limited number
of copies are available of this very valuable historical & informational
To obtain a copy see:
PCHS - Elm Fork
Settlement: Farmers Branch and Carrollton
Compiled and Written by Georgia Myers Ogle
Commemorative edition published 1996 by Eakin Press, Austin Texas
Originally published in 1977. 5 3/4" by 8 3/4" hardcover (maroon
leatherette, gilt lettering). 647 pages. Illustrated.
A historical account of life and living in the Carrollton - Farmers Branch
area. Includes biographies of pioneers (genealogy / genealogical interest).
Part I The People and Their Work
The Beginnings
Indian Stories
Burial Customs; Cemeteries
Pioneers and Their Contributions, Including a Biographical Section
Government; Law and Order
Post Offices
Fire Departments
Organizations: Lodges, Clubs Societies
Part II The People and Their Churches
Webb Chapel United Methodist Church
Highland Baptist Church
First Baptist Church of Farmers Branch
Simms Chapel A.M.E. Church
St. Johns Baptist Church
First United Methodist Church
First Christian Church
Farmers Branch Church of Christ
First Baptist Church of Carrollton
First Assembly of God Church
Denton Drive Church of Christ
Northside Baptist Church
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Webb Chapel Church of Christ
Valwood Park Baptist Church
Mary Immaculate Catholic Church
Christ United Methodist Church
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Belaire Baptist Church
Webb Chapel Baptist Church
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Brookhaven Baptist Church
Community Church of God
Holy Covenant United Methodist Church
About the Author
Among the illustrations:
Dewitt Perry High School
Grandchildren of A.W. Perry unveil State Marker at Perry Cemetery
Pioneer home of Bell Allen, Clint Street
Pioneer home of Franklin Perry McKamy, site of Greenhill school
Farmers Branch Gin circa 1918
East side of Carrollton Square circa 1923
Mayors of Carrollton 1913 - 1976
Aerial view of Farmers Branch 1955
Mayors of Farmers Branch 1946 - 1969
Mrs. Morgan's Private School at Tor Hill, Hebron
Farmers Branch School circa 1915
Miss Olga Steinman's Choral Club
Carrollton School - Old Red Brick Building
Carrollton High School - later DeWitt Perry Jr. High
Grandpa Myers' Store and Theater, west side of square
Carrollton Volunteer Fire Dept. circa 1960
Farmers Branch Volunteer Fire Dept. 1952
Carrollton Flood of 1908
Boy Scout Troop 320 circa 1930
A.W. Perry Homestead Museum
Various Churches
By Texas Jim Cooper
July 28, 1977
What began as a joint project of the Carrollton and Farmers Branch
Bicentennial Commission two years ago will become a reality in September
when the Peters Colony Historical Society of Dallas County and Farmers
Branch's ongoing commission brings forth
Georgia Ogle's in depth and
personal account of the two communities.
The Carrollton Bicentennial Commission initiated the work as one of its
numerous projects but the commission was disbanded before final arrangements
could be made for its printing. Lloyd Webb, a member of the commission,
subsequently became president of Peter's
Colony Historical Society and made it a personal goal to see
that the book was published.
The Farmers Branch Bicentennial Commission, continuing as an incorporated
organization, also continued to lend invaluable support to the project after
the Peters Colony Historical Society took it on to complete.
The cloth bound history is scheduled for public distribution on Sept 1.
by Nortex Press, which also printed new editions of George Jackson's
Sixty Years in Texas. Jackson's 1908 account
of pioneer local families who were primarily residents of Dallas County is
also available in limited copies through The Peters Colony Historical
Georgia Ogle's updated history of Carrollton and Farmers Branch is an
excellent companion book to Jackson's own early history said Webb.
They make a perfect set and those who have the reprint of Jackson's book
will also want Georiga's book. They go well together and I would suggest
people place their orders now for pre-publication copies of Georgia's work".
"Elm fork Settlements: Farmers Branch and Carrollton" will be available
for $13.13 before Sept. 1. After this date, it will cost $15.75. Persons who
wish the book to be mailed to them should include $1 mailing charge if they
desire to pick up the book in person.
Orders may be placed with Margaret Colwell 1829 Belt Line Road in
"The Book is not mine. It belongs to everybody." explained Mrs. Ogle, a
native of Carrollton who taught English in the local school district for 36
years. "I received information and help from so many people. Many people
contributed to the overall work of the book. I only compiled it, tied it all
Mrs. Ogle, whose paternal family has roots deeply planted in early
Carrollton, has taken a strong interest in local history over the years and
expressed that interest by writing arties for the historical society's
official publication, "Elm Fork Echoes." She was also the founding president
of The Peters Colony Historical Society.
"I tried to bring in some of the pioneer settlers you never hear about.
People are always asking me about the Larner (street) sign which was
recently erected over School Road. Larner may have been the first family to
come this far into Carrollton. Larner was here around 1842 or 1843 But there
was a break in the lineage and the family is the same way. Their descendents
didn't stay on so they haven't been emphasized in our history. But I've
tried to include families like these" said Mrs. Ogle.
"One of the parts I enjoyed writing was the Indian stories because I grew
up on the. I liked to hear them and I used them plus others the historians
had reported on over the years.
"Elm Fork Settlements" is divided into two sections. Part one is "The
People and Their Work, Compiled and written by Georgia Myers Ogle" while
Part Two, compiled under the supervision of Virginia Owens tells about "The
People and Their Churches" with data springing from manuscripts submitted by
24 churches.
Of the 200-plus pictures in the book, some 50 of them relate to local
church history and activities. The church history ranges from the Webb
Chapel Methodist Church, the first the county to Holy Covenant. United
Methodist, the newest Methodist church in the area under consideration.
This edition has been long sold out. A second, and probably last,
pressing is still available while supplies last thru the Peter's Colony
Historical Society.
PCHS - Elm Fork
Settlement for pricing and order
information |