Farmers Branch Files Incorporation Petition
Farmers Branch residents Tuesday field a petition with County Judge Al
Templeton for an election to incorporate the town.
Thirty-eight persons signed the application, headed by Roy L. Rasberry and
Glen Templin. Purpose of incorporated it to make possible the installation
of a water system, it was explained.
Dallas Morning News - Jan 30, 1946
Submitted by Edward
Lynn Williams |
Farmers Branch Campaign
Pushed Farmers Branch Mayor
W. F. (Bill) Dodson, a Dallas
oilman who takes his civic duties seriously, Saturday had enlisted ten women
in his campaign to get funds for construction of a city hall and fire
Dodson, first mayor of the newly incorporated trade center just north of
Dallas, announced Mrs. Truett Good would be chairman of a committee to sell
$1 tickets to a community benefit barbecue slated Oct. 17. Other committee
members named were Mrs. Tom Field, Mrs. Roy Rasberry, Mrs. J. T. Gilmore,
Mrs. Omar Smith, Mrs. Lois Thurlow, Mrs. Roy K. McKee, Mrs. C. Herbert
Marshall, Mrs. Robert McClary Jr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson.