Specializes in Goats
Postmaster, W. F. Hoffman, specializes in the breeding of milk goats and
has at this time a very fine herd of between twenty-five and thirty animals.
He was the Nubians,
Toggenburgs, and
Saanen's milk verities.
The Chronicle has just printed for him a recent time a six page folder telling
much about the goat and his usefulness and why he, Mr. Hofmann,, happened to
become interested in the little animals. He has been breeding them for the
past seven years and if you will note the handsome array of ribbons he has won
with his herd and which are on display at the post office you will doubtless be
convinced that he has not been without success in the field. He is
recognized as a reliable and successful breeder and has for several years been
in charge of the division of animal husbandry at the State Fair of Texas.
From many parts of the country come inquiries to him about the goat and it is to
more easily answer these queries than he has prepared the information folder
which we recently printed. Only a short time ago Mr. Hofmann received inquiry
from Hayti asking for prices on his animals as they desired to make purchase of
a certain animal. He has sent animals from this herd to many parts of the
country and is making a name for himself in goat breeding.
The Carrollton Chronicle - Friday, December 4, 1931
Submitted by Edward Lynn Williams |