Mrs. Alice James Dies This Week
Funeral Services Held Tuesday For Aged Carrollton Resident
Funeral services for Mrs. Alice James, age 80, who died here Monday, were
held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Christian church, with Rev. Carl Bird
officiating. She was buried at
Cemetery Hill.
Mrs. James' exact age was 80 years, 11 months and 26 days.
She was born near Boonsbourough, Kentucky, August 20, 1862. Coming to Texas in
1880, she lived where the present site of Oak Cliff is located, which at that
time was nothing but a wild country. She then moved north of Dallas where
Highland Park is now located, which was still far out in the country. Dallas was
at that time very small, and had few paved streets. All street cars at that time
was pulled by mule power.
She stayed in the vicinity of Dallas four about two years and moved to Denton
county, where she resided until she was marred to William James who came to
Texas from England and settled north of here. Carrollton was then part of the
old Peter's Colony.
After their marriage, she lived on the old James homestead until his death in
February, 1921. Then she moved to Carrollton in 1922 and made her home with her
son, Claude James, until her death at 11:10 a.m., August 16, 1943.
She was a member of the Christian church for about 45 years.
She is survived by two sons, Claude James
and Ernest James, Dallas county deputy sheriff of Carrollton, and two step sons,
D. M. James of Lewisville and Fred James of Healdton, Oklahoma. These two she
had reared from small boys.
She had three own grandchildren, Cpl.
Ralph James, who is in the air corps at Tomah, Wis., Jerrel Lee James,
Carrollton, and granddaughter Betty Lynne James. Also four step-grandchildren,
Mrs. Jewell Sebastin, Frank Fred and Dorene James, all of Dallas. Three sisters
also survive: Mrs C. A. Smith of Carrollton, Mrs. Amada Coats and Mrs. ?? Thomas
both of Frisco.
Rhoton Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
Pallbearers were G. F. Isom,
L. F. Blanton,
W. T. Squibb,
Roy Gravley,
Oliver Godfrey, and L. E. Gulledge.
The Carrollton Chronicle - August 30, 1943
Submitted by Edward Lynn
Williams |

Mother of Deputy Succumbs at Carrollton
Mrs. Alice James, 81, mother of Claude James, Dallas County Deputy
sheriff, died Monday morning at her home in Carrollton.
Born in Kentucky n 1862, she came to Texas in 1880, settling at Dallas, where
she lived for about two years before moving to Carrollton.
Surviving her are another son, Ernest James, also of Carrollton; three sisters,
Mrs. C. A. Smith, Carrollton; Mrs. Amanda Coats and Mrs. Joe Thomas, both of
Frisco, Collin County, and three grandchildren.
Services will be held Tuesday at 4 p.m. at the Carrollton Christian Church
with the Rev. Karl Bird officiating. Burial will be at
Cemetery Hill in Carrollton.
The Dallas Morning News - August 17, 1943
Submitted by Edward Lynn
Williams |