OBITUARY Mrs. Annie Nix Dies Tuesday
Mrs. Annie (Cox) Nix died Tuesday October 15, 1928, at 12:20 o'clock,
after a lingering sickness of fourteen months, at the Nix home at Carrollton
dam. Mrs. Nix was 44 years of age and had resided in Dallas county all of her
life, and had been a member of the Baptist church since childhood. She is
survived by her husband and six children, three daughters, Ada Lee, Ollie
Marvin, Aleta Ross; three sons, Daniel, W. D. and Harlin.
Funeral services were held in Union Baptist church at 2 o'clock Wednesday,
Rev. C. B. Stanley assisted by Rev. L. B. Jenkins of Mesquite, conducted the
services, while Rev. C. D. Hardy of the First Baptist church conducted the music
and rendered a pleasing number himself. Interment was in the
Union Baptist
The Carrollton Chronicle - October 10, 1928
Submitted by Edward Lynn
Williams |