Shower Given Miss Emma Lee Perry
Last Tuesday evening Mrs. W. H. Perry and daughter, Miss Annie, entertained in their home with a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Emma Lee Perry, who
is to be married to Mr. C. W. Treece of Corsicana, Texas on Wednesday, January 19, 1921. Despite the gloomy weather, a large crowd gathered and cheer and good
will prevailed, as these many friends gathered to shower Miss Emma Lee.
The dining room was prettily decorated in pink and white and just as the guests were being ushered into the dining room a messangered handed Miss Emma Lee a
telegram requesting her presence in the living room. Upon reaching there it was found that the guests had brought with them many pretty and useful presents
which expressed their respect and admiration for her. After the presents were examined delicious refreshments were served.
The Carrollton Chronicle - Friday, January 14, 1921
Submitted by Edward Lynn Williams
Quiet Wedding at the Home of Bride's Parents
Last Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Perry, Miss Ema Lee Perry was united in marriage to W. C. Treece. All the immediate
family of the bride and a few friends were present. Among the out of town guests were Miss Connie Hardcastle, of Dallas and Mr. Lowe, a brother of the groom, of
Corsicana. The bride wore a brown chamois dress, trimmed with cordian pleated overskirt. In the living room was displayed the many wedding gifts, among which
was a handsome chest of silverware presented to the bride by the Carrollton Chamber of Commerce as an expression of their appreciation of the brides
efficient service rendered at the telephone exchange, where she had been employed for the past eight years.
Punch was served to the guests. The reing ceremony was used, with Rev. W. E. Anderson officiating. The bride and groom left immediately for Dallas. At this
time it is not known where they will make their home, but it is hoped that this splendid couple will decide to live in Carrollton.
The Carrollton Chronicle - Friday, January 21, 1921
Submitted by Edward Lynn Williams