Twenty-Five Students Have Perfect
Records In Year's Attendance Twenty-five pupils of the
Carrollton schools were not absent from school a day during the last
year. They were: Kathryn Ledbetter, Lois Glenn Maberry, Edna Marie
McDonald, A. C. Fyke, Willie Lee Crosss, Robert Stark, Nellie Simms,
Carden Fyke,
Claud Simms, Thelma Myers, Clyde Simms, Cecil Groves, James Daniel,
Clifford Maberry, Earl Johnston, Frances Gravley, Mildred Groves,
Margaret Gravley, Francine Simms, Mitchell Breedlove, J. W. Gravley, Jay
Ella Myers, Louise Kendall, Georgia Myers and Magdalena Thompson.
The Dallas Morning News - June 6, 1928
Submitted by
Edward Lynn
Williams |