Boy and
Girl Capture Scholastic Honors of Carrollton Graduates
CARROLLTON, Texas, May 28. - Highest scholastic honors among the seniors
of the Carrollton High School went to Clifton Harrison (top), son of Mr.
and Mrs. Duncan Harrison of Coppell. Second honors were awarded
Clara Rothfus (Below), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Rothfus of Carrollton.
Maurene Davis, daughter of Mrs. R. B. Davis, and Margaret Thompson,
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mayes, won third and fourth
scholastic honors, respectively. Each of the students will speak on the
commencement program Friday evening.
The Dallas Morning New - May 29 1936
Submitted by
Lynn Williams |
Students In Graduating Class The following senior pupils
in the Carrollton High School have won highest grade honors for the last
two years of high school work:
Clifton Harrison, 92.73
Clara Rothfus
92.53 Carrollton
Maurene Davis 91.95
Margaret Thompson 91.93 Carrollton
The Carrollton Chronicle - May 29, 1936 |