Carrollton School Graduates Honored By Roy McCormicks
CARROLLTON, Texas, June 8 - Honoring the graduating class of the
Carrollton High School. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCormick entertained with
a reception in their home after commencement exercises.
Refreshments were served from the terrace. The table was covered
with a lace cloth and centered with a crystal bowl filled with
snapdragons and larkspur.
Miss Janie
Stark, senior class sponsor, and Miss Mary Bess Hickey, junior
class sponsor, presided at the punch bowl. The hostess was assisted
in receiving by Mrs. C. C. McKamy, junior class mother. Mrs.
R. E. Good and Mrs. C. C. Carver.
The 150 guests included parents of the graduating class, the junior
ushers, the glee club, the choral club, members of the high school
faculty and their families, and the honorees.
Mrs. McCormick has been senior room mother for the last term of
school. Her daughter, Betty Jane, is an honor graduate of the class
and is entering North Texas State Teachers College at Denton this
Dallas Morning News - Jun 9, 1940
Submitted by
Edward Lynn Williams |