School gussied up for 40th anniversary presentation -
Renovations completed in time to mark Vivian Field's four decades
About a year ago, Vivian Field Middle School looked more like a maze than a
Blocked halls, dead ends and closed classrooms were the norm while the
school underwent $11 million in renovations.
The dust cleared last August, and students got to share their newly
remodeled surroundings with about 500 visitors at the school's 40th
anniversary last week.
Changes include a new gymnasium, remodeled classrooms and a new entranceway
and office area.
Carrollton- Farmers Branch Superintendent Annette Griffin, school board
trustees and a gaggle of public officials turned out March 7 to welcome
parents and alumni for a tour and a presentation on the school's history .
"Construction began in June of 2000, and we basically had one hallway open,"
said Kelly Calvery, principal of Vivian Field. "We've been working on this
presentation for the past two months, and teachers, parents and students
were all involved in it."
She said the school had undergone many changes since it first opened its
doors to students in 1961. During a visual presentation in the school's new
gymnasium, guests were treated to a slide show featuring photos of all the
principals in Vivian Field's 40-year history .
Students gave tours and helped visitors navigate the new wings and
introduced them to teachers, all of whom opened their classrooms for
"I'm glad all of the construction is done," said Scott Parker, a
seventh-grade student who attended the event.
By far, the most extensive construction was the new gymnasium, a sparkling
structure with light wood floors and plenty of seating.
The construction, part of a $198.6 million bond package passed two years
ago, also provided for an on-site health clinic.
Dr. Griffin said the changes would enable teachers to better serve students
with updated facilities and equipment.
"These teachers go the extra mile," she said. "They come early and stay late
to make sure students get the best possible education."
Staff members also displayed old yearbooks, photos and the contents of two
time capsules that were uncovered during construction - one from 1994 and
one from 1974.
Alumni gazed over their old photos, and current students discussed fashion
trends of years past.
"Wow, the girls had huge hair," said seventh-grader Derrick Garcia,
commenting on the hairstyles of the late 1960s.
The Dallas Morning News - Friday, March 15, 2002
Author: KATHERINE MORALES, Staff Writer
Vivian Field Middle School Celebrating
50 Years
Of Education
Kenny Marchant

it is with great
that I
rise today to
recognize the 50th anniversary
of Vivian Field Middle School. As a former
student of Carrollton-Farmers
ISD, it gives me great
satisfaction to
recognize Vivian Field Middle School for
its five decades of educational excellence.
In 1960, Tom Field, a former
county commissioner
and staunch supporter
of public education, donated 7.5 acres
of land to Carrollton-Farmers
ISD for
a new school. Mr.
Field, however,
had one
of the school district:
the new school had to be named after
his wife, Vivian. The school district
his wish and constructed
Vivian Field Junior
High School.
Vivian Field Junior
High School opened in the fall of 1961. The school consisted
of the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades.
The main building was structured
with three
wings which were
connected by a gymnasium on the southeast side and a cafeteria
on the west side. In 1969, to accommodate its growing
student body, Vivian Field Junior
High School constructed
an additional wing, providing
a formal
and additional classrooms.
Since opening, the school has changed its name to Vivian Field
Middle School to better
reflect the grades
and programs.
Today, Vivian Field Middle School has approximately
900 students across
The middle school has been honored
by the Texas Education Agency as a ``Recognized''
school from
2005 to 2010, and has been commended on the
State and National level for
continually providing
an outstanding education for
its students.
on behalf of the 24th District
of Texas, I ask all my distinguished colleagues to join me in
commending the administrators,
and students of Vivian Field Middle School for
its five decades of exemplary
education in our
community. |