Local Pioneer Dies Monday At Home Here
J. S. Padgett, Born in Arkansas; Lived Here Almost 40
J. S. Padgett, 83 year-old resident of Carrollton for almost 40 years, died
at his home here Monday, June 23, following an illness of six months.
Funeral services were held in the Methodist church here Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock, with the Rev. J. W. Slagle, pastor, officiating. Interment was in the
Carrollton cemetery.
Mr. Padgett was born in 1858 in Hamblin, Ark., and in early life moved to
Correll County, Texas, with his parents. Later he moved to Parker in Collin
county where he was united in marriage to
Miss Alice McCreary. They would have
celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary on July 24. Mr. and Mrs. Padgett
moved from Parker to Carrollton in 1901 where they have since resided. He joined
the Methodist church under Rev. D. F. Fuller a number of years ago and until
near the time of his death was active in church and community affairs.
He was fond of hunting and made an annual hunting trip to the mountains
for ten days, most of the time returning with venison, wild turkey or other
game. At the age of 82 last fall, Mr. Padgett made his annual trip.
Survivors include his wife, Mrs. J. S. Padgett, one son,
H. E. Padgett of
Carrollton, four grandchildren, Mrs. Helen Coonrod of Fort Worth, Mrs. Alice
Annett McKamey of Carrollton, John Tom Padgett and
Mrs. Francine Culbenhouse of
Houston; two great-grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. Lucy Petree.
The Carrollton Chronicle 1941
Submitted by Edward Lynn
Williams |