Accompanied by a group of friends, Mr. Nix brake and Miss Ala Mae Moore
were married by Rev. Fielder in the Parsonage Saturday evening
By Monday, many other friends and relatives were over the shock and swarmed into
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Myers where the bride and groom were showered.
Mrs. Will Myers, assisted by Mrs. C. C. Hayley, Mrs. Roy Gravley and others,
provided a number of games after which the newly married ones were ushered in to
see the shower of useful and valuable gifts to them. Refreshments of
chocolate and cake were served to the friends and relatives present.
Mr. Brake is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Brake and was raised here in the
community and has a host of friends.
Although her parents do not live here, Mrs. Brake formerly Miss Ala Mae Moore,
has made many friends while boarding and attending the Carrollton high school
The Carrollton Chronicle - Friday, January 20, 1922
Submitted by Edward Lynn Williams |