Melley Frances (Hartline) Smith
Carrollton &
Farmers Branch
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> Melley Frances (Hartline) Smith

Mellie Hartline Bride of J. B. Smith
Miss Mellie Hartline became the bride of J. B. Smith in a double ring ceremony
performed Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock on July 1, at the Farmers Branch Baptist
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Hartline of Farmers Branch, and
the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Omar Smith also of Farmers Branch. The
Rev. G. B. Bailey officiated in the ceremony. Mrs. S. R. May pianist, and Miss
Mary Edith Bailey vocalist, presented the music.
Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a blue crepe dress with white
accessories. She carried a white bible topped with gardenias.
Mrs. Clyde Hartline, sister-in-law of the bride was maid of honor, and Harold
Hartline, brother of the bride was best man. Ushers were Melvin Hartline and
Homer Dooley.
The church was beautifully decorated with cut flowers and ferns.
After a short wedding trip to Turner Falls, the couple will reside in Farmers
Branch. Both the bride and groom attended Carrollton High School.The
Carrollton Chronicle, Friday, July 11, 1947 |
Melley Frances Smith
DENTON - Melley Frances Smith of Denton, a hair stylist, died Monday at her
home. She was 60.
Funeral will be 2 p.m. today at Cooper Creek Baptist Church in Denton, where she
was a member since 1975. Burial will be in Cooper Creek Cemetery in Denton.
DeBerry Funeral Directors in Denton is in charge of arrangements.
Mrs. Smith was born in Dallas. She attended Farmers Branch elementary schools
and Carrollton High School. She was owner of Melley's Beauty Shop in Denton. She
was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star in Farmers Branch and the North
Texas Area Art League.
The family suggests that memorials be made to Cooper Creek Baptist Church or
Ann's Haven Hospice in Denton.
Survivors: Husband, J.B. Smith of Denton; two daughters, Beth Holland and
Loretta Miller, both of Denton; sister, Vi Gibbens of Denton; six brothers,
Melvin Hartline of Denton,
Clyde Hartline of Murphy, Harold Hartline of Houston,
Tracy Hartline and Conley Hartline, both of Plano, and
Ray Hartline of Missouri;
and four grandchildren.
Ft. Worth Star Telegram - March 25, 1992
Submitted by Edward Lynn
Williams |

J.B. - JULY 4, 1929 - May 29, 2013
MELLY FRANCES - OCT. 20, 1931 - MAR 23, 1992
Cooper Creek Cemetery, Denton, Denton County, Texas